About Divide Fire
To provide timely and effective fire suppression, emergency medical, and rescue services to the Divide community

The Divide Fire Protection District is responsible for providing fire suppression, emergency medical and rescue services within the one hundred square miles of area in north central Teller County, Colorado. The Divide Volunteer Fire Department is the primary service-provider for the District which was formed in 1999 by splitting the existing Divide/Florissant Fire Protection District.
About Our District
The District covers significant portions of Pikes Peak National Forest and Mueller State Park, along with several large commercial structures such as the Teller County Sheriff's office and jail complex, Summit Elementary School and the Highlands Shopping Center. Approximately 2200 residences are scattered throughout the District in fourteen major subdivisions. You can find our Service Area map in the sidebar.
The terrain is mountainous and most of the District is comprised of mixed conifer forest with occasion expanses of grassy meadows. The Divide Fire Protection District is considered an "urban/wildland interface area" with most residential structures nestled into the wooded hillsides.
The District is bisected by Highways 24 and 67, which are the primary routes of the Cripple Creek gaming area. Highway 67 is a winding mountainous road which traverses the west side of Pikes Peak and includes several sections with 300 to 500 foot vertical drops to the valley floor below. The District is currently served by a single centrally-located fire station located at 103 Cedar Mountain Road and a sub-station in the Rainbow Valley area at 18602 Highway 67 South.
Mutual Aid
The Divide Fire Protection District is proud to participate in a Mutual Aid agreement will all of our neighbors and cooperates with both the Colorado State Forest Service and the U.S. Forest Service. Through this agreement, fire departments within Teller County are dedicated to assisting each other and providing resources for incidents such as wildland fires, structure fires, hazardous materials incidents and traffic accidents. Divide Fire receives and provides responses to Florissant, Northeast Teller County, Mountain Communities, Cripple Creek, Victor, 4 Mile and Lake George Fire Districts.